Happy Valentine's Day ❤❤❤
I hope that this Valentine's 2021 finds you healthy, loved and inspired! I'm not normally one to make a big fuzz about this day, but this year, I feel so much gratitude for my family and friends and YOU that I eagerly jumped on the opportunity to express this beautiful feeling via Vintage Mexican Milagros , Love Sonnets, Turquoise Talismans, beautiful Swallow pendants, and minimalist gemstone chains, like "Pink Promise" with free form hearts, among many others (Tip: Type in "Valentine" and voila).
P.S. Who gets the most Valentine's Cards? "According to an array of different sources, teachers receive the most Valentine's Day cards. This is then followed by children, mothers, wives and pets who are placed within the top five." I love how its interesting origins have come to celebrate LOVE , FRIENDSHIP, and COMPASSION.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!